Book on chief abbots of Bhutan released

A book on the chief abbots of Bhutan was released this month in Thimphu. His Holiness the 70th Chief abbot (known as Je Khenpo in Bhutan) Trulku Jigme Chhoeda released the historical book.

The book ‘Selwai Melong’ is a compilation of all the chief abbots of Bhutan. In Bhutan the dual system of government was set up by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal the man who unified Bhutan. The system of chief abbots started in 1651 and the first chief abbot was Pekar Jungney.

The book is written in dzongkha, the national language of Bhutan, and the book contains essential information on what the Je khenpos did during their tenure as the Chief Abbots. The author has used pictures of statues for the earlier Je Khenpos because there are no photographs. He has used photographes starting from the 50th Je Khenpo Jamphel Sheyngyen.

He has done short write ups on all the abbots. The author, Tandin Tshering a civil servant, spent three years researching and seeking assistance from various organisations in compling th information before he could actually publish the 197-page book written in yellow letters.

1500 copies of the book were given as free distribution during the launch of the book, which was done at the Tashichhodzong.

The book cost Nu 600 and he is targeting all the Bhutanese to buy a copy because it is about our historical figures.

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