Bhutan- fifth fastest growing world economy

Bhutan has been ranked the fifth fastest growing economy, next to China, Libya, Macau and Mongolia by The Economist, a London-based news magazine. According to the news-magazine, Bhutan averaged an impressive growth rate of 8.5 percent, 0.1 percent less than China at fourth position.  With the Dungsam cement plant expecting to add around Nu 6B to the economy once commissioned, Bhutan’s growth rate could surpass that of some of the countries, which are ahead of Bhutan today. In the next decade, Bhutan could probably record the highest growth rate, when the huge hydropower projects are commissioned. Mongolia takes the first place at 18.1 percent. Mongolia’s economy grew mainly because of external investments including from China, which is injecting enormous amounts of money in Mongolia’s mineral sector. Macau is second with 13.5 percent, and Libya third with 12.2 percent growth rates.

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