Bhutan Airlines makes its inaugural commercial flight to Kolkata

The country’s first and only private airline, Bhutan Airlines of Tashi Commercial, flew to Kolkata for the first time on Saturday. Earlier, the airline had been stopping over at Kolkata only to fuel up on its flights to and from Bangkok but following the government of India’s approval, the airline can now pick up and drop off passengers at Kolkata, making the city its second destination.

Her Majesty the Royal Grandmother Ashi Kesang Choden Wangchuck was onboard as the chief guest accompanied by Her Royal Highness Ashi Pema Lhaden Wangchuck. Beginning this month until February next year, Drukair is offering an airfare of Nu 15,750, exclusive of taxes for a single round trip ticket to Bangkok as compared to Bhutan Airlines’ Nu 15,999, also exclusive of taxes. The promotional offer has been made available since October until February 2014. Both offers are only valid for single ticket purchase.

The normal airfare is around Nu 21,000, exclusive of taxes for both airlines.

Bhutan Airlines had been operating the Paro-Bangkok sector for almost two months now.

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