“Clean Bhutan” and “Green Thimphu” projects to kickstart in February

As an initiative to keep Bhutan clean and green, the country will soon launch the “Clean Bhutan” and “Green Thimphu” projects as announced by the Prime Minister Lyonchhoen Tshering Tobgay. The project will first start with streams and rivers and then extend to trekking trails. Clean Bhutan advocates “behavioral change” and aims to make Bhutan garbage free by 2030. The components for this change are the five Rs – rethink, reduce, reuse, recycle and reduce. With a group of 20 volunteers, the project will kick start in the first week of February. As starters, the volunteers will clean up 12 streams that feed into the Wangchhu – one stream a day so that it is cleaned twice a month. The first river to be cleaned will be Thimpu chhu because it’s the most important river in the country, generating Nu7.8 bn worth of revenue through hydropower production. The three-year long project is divided into three phases – Thimphu and Paro rivers, Thimphu and Paro trekking routes and Thimphu and Paro thromdes.



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