Eight kinds of Chortens (Chorten Degye)


The Eight Chortens commemorate eight different events in Buddha’s life and each is slightly different from the others.

Desheg Chorten: Buddha’s father ordered a chorten to be built to celebrate his son’s birth at Lumbini.

Changchub Chorten: The king of Bodhgaya ordered a chorten to be built to commemorate Buddha’s enlightenment.

Choekhor Choten: Buddha’s five disciples had a chorten built to commemorate Buddha’s first sermon in the Deer Park at Sarnath near Benaras.

Chotrul Chorten:The King of Sravasti ordered the chorten to be built to celebrate Buddha’s victory over the non-Buddhist masters.

Lhabab Chorten: The king of the region ordered a chorten to be built to celebrate Buddha’s return to earth after he had ascended to the Heaven of the Thirty-Three Gods to preach the doctrine to his mother.

Yendum Chorten: The king of the region ordered a chorten to be built to celebrate Buddha’s victory over his evil cousin at Rajagriya.

Namgyal Chorten: The gods built a chorten to commemorate Buddha’s voluntary prolongation of his life at Vaisali.

Nyende Chorten: The people of Kusinagara built a chorten to commemorate Buddha’s Nirvana at the place.


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