National Assembly passes RTI bill

The National Assembly endorsed the Right to Information Bill (RTI) when from the 40 members, 32 voted for it, four abstained from voting and four voted against it. It will have to go through the National Council for further ratification. Speaking in Parliament, the Minister of Information and Communications Lyonpo D N Dhungyel said that it would help to facilitate transparency and accountability in governance. However, there were some from the Opposition who had doubts about the implantation of such a bill. North Thimphu’s Kinga Tshering said though considerable efforts had gone into legislating the bill, only about 50% of the legislative committee’s recommendations were accepted. Meanwhile another MP Druzegang Tsheza likened the RTI bill to a baby and one couldn’t blame it if it fell down a few steps while walking for the first time.  RTI bill in Bhutan is was passed for the first time after India did so nine years ago.

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