Nomad festival sees increased participants

The nomad festival this year had four gewogs attending the festival held at the Kizom eco-camp ground in Tang gewog, Bumthang on Feb.23. Nomads from Sephu gewog in Wangduephodrang, Choekhor, Tang and Ura gewogs of Bumthang attended the festival while nomads from eight dzongkhags attended the festival last year. However, 840 visitors, the number of which was more than that of last year attended the festival. Since different areas like Haa and Gasa had their own festivals now like the Haa , Gasa and Jumolhari festivals, less highlanders attended the nomad festival this year.The festival is not only attended by tourists but also by nomads, communities, civil servants, business people and others to understand the importance of highlanders and how to live in harmonious co-existence with the eco-system. The park needs the support and cooperation of the communities to preserve it. The nomad festival this year was shifted to Tang Valley and tried for just a day with the theme: “ Park and communities coexisting harmoniously.”

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