Royal Highland Festival- Your gateway to the Kingdom of Bhutan

The Royal Highland Festival takes place every October. It was introduced in 2016 to commemorate the birth anniversary of the Gyalsey (Crown Prince) Jigme Namgyel Wangchuck and mark the 400th anniversary of Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel.

The festival takes place in the northwestern Dzongkhag of Gasa

It showcases the rich heritage of the people of Gasa and the Highlander people.

The two-day festival begins with a traditional offering known as Buelwa, along with traditional epic poetry recitations and songs that originated during Zhabdrung’s time, demonstrating loyalty to successive monarchs. 

The Festival features games and races. Layaps and other Highlander people bring their animals, such as yaks and Tibetan mastiffs, to participate or simply for display.

His Majesty the King, and His Royal Highness the Gyalsey graced last year’s Royal Highland Festival.

October is an ideal time to visit this region, as it is rain-free and the air is crisp—perfect for outdoor activities and light hiking. The hike to Laya, the festival location, takes approximately one day. Laya is the highest settlement in Bhutan.

The Royal Highland Festival presents an opportunity for both locals and tourists to explore one of Bhutan’s most remote regions.

To book your trip to Bhutan contact us at [email protected] or call +975 1711-2338 any time, anywhere.

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