

Bhutan has invited a team of social metric experts to improve the accuracy of measuring its famous concept of Gross National Happiness. Bhutan is famed for focusing on the nation’s well-being via its happiness levels as opposed to more conventional gross domestic product. The government is clearly keen that the Gross National Happiness survey be...
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In the latest Global Peace Index (GPI), Bhutan has been ranked the 16th most peaceful country among 162 countries.The Institute for Economics and Peace, a global think tank attempting to build greater understanding of the relationship between economics, business and peace produces the GPI. The first 28 countries are ranked as having a “very high”...
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Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Bhutan on June 15 after being elected. Among other South Asian countries he visited Bhutan first. He was received by Lyonchhoen Tshering Tobgay and a delegation of senior government officials. Lyonchhoen said that Prime Minister Modi’s visit was a “historic” event for the kingdom. To welcome Prime Minister Narendra...
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The nomad festival this year had four gewogs attending the festival held at the Kizom eco-camp ground in Tang gewog, Bumthang on Feb.23. Nomads from Sephu gewog in Wangduephodrang, Choekhor, Tang and Ura gewogs of Bumthang attended the festival while nomads from eight dzongkhags attended the festival last year. However, 840 visitors, the number of...
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The “Bhutan-Thailand Friendship Offer” was launched in the capital and Thailand simultaneously to celebrate His Majesty’s 34th birthday. This offer will remain open to Thai nationals and those who can prove their residence in Thailand, for three months starting June 1. Thai people believe that there is extreme climate in Bhutan during summer and winter and...
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American tourist arrivals surpassed Japanese tourists last year, while in 2012 it was just the opposite. In 2013, of the 52,798 visitors there were 6,927 Americans. In 2012, there were 6,967 Japanese visitors. The reason attributed for this massive influx of Japanese tourists was Their Majesties’ visit to Japan and subsequent promotions by the Tourism...
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Bhutan is the eighth “happiest” country in the world and the happiest country in Asia. This is despite widespread poverty and illiteracy. According to a survey, reasons attributing to the happiness were the nation’s beautiful scenery, land-locked isolation and strong sense of national identity. Television was banned in the country until 1999 to preserve its...
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Tashi Air, Bhutan’s first private airline will resume domestic services in October this year. When Information and Communications minister, D.N Dhungyel was quizzed during the National Council session on when domestic services would resume and why a private airline was allowed to violate the terms and conditions of licensing, Lyonpo said that the airline and...
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The National Assembly endorsed the Right to Information Bill (RTI) when from the 40 members, 32 voted for it, four abstained from voting and four voted against it. It will have to go through the National Council for further ratification. Speaking in Parliament, the Minister of Information and Communications Lyonpo D N Dhungyel said that...
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In a move to facilitate better cross-border trade between Bhutan and India through removal of double taxation, and to attract Indian investments in the field of education and health, the National Council unanimously ratified the MIGA or Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agreement. MIGA was only one of the five agencies of the World Bank Group so...
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