

Practitioners from six tiger range countries, a team from the World Bank and Global Tiger Initiative met for a workshop in Thimphu earlier this week. The workshop, Smart Green Infrastructure (SGI) in Tiger Conservation Landscapes: Practitioners Workshop addressed the multispectral implications for planning and implementing of SGI tools with application to roads, hydroelectric projects, ecotourism...
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A special Bhutan Day will be hosted in Schömberg, Germany during their second annual Week of Happiness starting July 17. The Bhutan Day will revolve around Bhutan with presentations, exhibits, dance performers and art exhibitions. The week of happiness offers workshops, seminars on happiness and self-fulfillment and a wide array of attraction, culinary highlights, and...
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The Bhutan Pavilion was the main attraction at the 2010 -11 Taipei International Flora Expo and swept off the excellence award from among more than 30 other participating countries. Prime Minister Jigme Thinley received the award on Bhutan’s behalf from Grace Huang, the President of Sunya International Special Cultural Interchange Association on May 16. The...
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The White-bellied Heron (Ardea insigins) is found in Bhutan along the banks of Pho Chhu river in Punakha. This long-legged water bird is declared among the seriously endangered species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Of the estimated bird population of less than 200, 26 are believed to be in Bhutan.
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Bhutan, with its high mountains and rich flora and fauna is a popular trekking country. Its unique and splendid culture based on Buddhist tradition adds to the natural beauty of the country., a famous Indian online tour company has launched a charter flight holiday package to Bhutan in association with the Tourism Council of...
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“As King, it is time for me to marry. After much thought, I have decided that the wedding shall be later this year,” said His Majesty the King in his opening speech at the 7th session of parliament and added that he has found such a person in the name of Jetsun Pema. “While she...
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His Majesty the King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck is getting married to Ashi Jetsun Pema.   His Majesty King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, the 31-year-old king of Bhutan, announced his engagement with Jetsun Pema at the opening of seventh session of parliament today. The royal wedding, which the King informed the nation would a simple...
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Visitor arrivals to Bhutan peaked at 64,028 in 2011, a figure that marked a record growth rate of +56.65%, the highest growth rate in the history of Bhutan’s tourism industry. This figure also includes regional high-end visitors, MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, Exhibitions) visitors and FAM (Familiarisation) visitors. Whilst international Dollar paying arrivals alone recorded an...
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Visitor arrivals to Bhutan peaked at 40,873, a figure that also includes regional high-end visitors. Owing to the improvement of global economic situations, the tourism industry in Bhutan rebounded well in 2010 with international arrivals peaking at 27,196. This figure corresponded to an increase of +15.83% which reassuringly represents a stable performance (same average growth...
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The tourism industry in Bhutan continued to grow in 2008 with international arrivals peaking at 27,636, a growth rate of 31.01% over the previous high of 2007. Likewise, gross earnings from tourism increased to a total $US 38.8 million, a growth of 30.2% over 2007. The tourism industry contributed $US 13.8 million as government revenue....
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