Best friends from Malaysia in Bhutan

Lee Ling & Lay Peng at Taktsang BhutanThere are so many travel agents in Bhutan, but my friend had booked our trip with Little Bhutan, mainly seems she like the name…..impractical but I must say we were lucky.

Lucky that the bookings went well. We were also lucky to be assigned with Karma, a knowledgeable guide who is also proficiency in English, I must say.

We also had a very safe, careful and helpful driver, who not only drove us around Paro, Thimphu and Punakha, he also accompanied us almost all our visits and hikes which normally a driver wont as we understood from the guide.

The Tiger Nest Monastery was an experience for an unfit person like me but with the help of Karma and Kumar, I made it without rolling down the hill.

And not only did we get to see the tourist sights, we also had a look of Bhutanese right life….and a typical Bhutanese one too!!!

Lee Ling & Lay Peng

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