Everything was perfect!


We are a very diverse group with a variety of needs and everyone treated each one of us with an extraordinary amount of kindness and respect. The team of Little Bhutan did give us a ‘Big experience’ of the Country.

All 70 of us feel much affection for our guides and drivers and we will miss them all very much.)

And as Julie indicated last night your guides and drivers are exceptional. They are organized and knowledgeable and even more important they are warm and caring.

The overall tour experience was excellent, with the exception of Lodging and Food. The Lodging and Food were good.

Regarding suggestions…I understand that we are the biggest group that Little Bhutan has had and overall the logistics were excellent however there are a few things that would have worked better for us.

1) Having dinner at the places where we were staying or within walking distance would have been helpful. We often had to wait for the bus to take us back to the hotel after dinner and it would have been better if we could have just left when we were done eating.

2.) Having 70 people eating at once with one buffet table is difficult. You might want to ask the restaurants to set up 3 or 4 buffet tables when serving a group this size.

3) Some people shop and others don’t. It might be helpful for the buses to drop those who do not want to shop at the hotel and take those who do want to shop to the shops. There were a few times when 10 people were shopping and 60 people were waiting for them.

Other than the above, everything was perfect, thank you.

Julie Scott, Karen Wark & the Rosicrucian group.
June 2014

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