We enjoyed every minute we stayed in Bhutan


We very much appreciate the services provided by Little Bhutan. Tshering did an excellent job in arranging the itinerary to cater for our stay in Bhutan. She patiently answered all questions we had in our email conversations.

Kinley and Kezang provided excellent service to us. Patiently walked up to the Tiger’s Nest with us. Kezang completed a tough job to drive us to Punakha since the road is now under construction.

We enjoyed every minute we stayed in Bhutan and will strongly recommend our friends to come visit. All the restaurants had good view to the country and were very impressive. It would have been perfect if the buffet lunch/dinner had more variety and selection.

All in all, a very big thank you to all the staffs.


Mrs. Rita & Mr. Christopher Fung

Hong Kong

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