
Bhutan Birds

Black-Necked Crane, the species which is considered to be the endangered species is one of the lures for Bumdeling in Trashiyangtse. Unlike in the past year, this year the bird have touched down on October 30, making an early start capping hopes for locals that there could be more birds arriving. So far, Phobjikha saw...
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  In 2010 -2011 a total of 368 black-necked cranes (grus nigricollis) were reported in Bhutan. 294 cranes were spotted in Phobjikha, 60 in Bumdeling, five in Khotokha, five in Lhuntse and four in Gelephu. It was the first time that black-necked cranes were spotted in Gelephu while they have had reports of black-necked cranes...
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The White-bellied Heron (Ardea insigins) is found in Bhutan along the banks of Pho Chhu river in Punakha. This long-legged water bird is declared among the seriously endangered species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Of the estimated bird population of less than 200, 26 are believed to be in Bhutan.
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