Bhutan: 16th Most Peaceful Country

In the latest Global Peace Index (GPI), Bhutan has been ranked the 16th most peaceful country among 162 countries.The Institute for Economics and Peace, a global think tank attempting to build greater understanding of the relationship between economics, business and peace produces the GPI. The first 28 countries are ranked as having a “very high” state of peace. In this region, Nepal comes in at 76, Bangladesh at 98, China at 108, and India at 143. However despite improvements in the scores, South Asia still remains at the bottom of regional rankings. Centre of Bhutan Studies president, Dasho Karma Ura, told a local newspaper that the founder of GPI is expected to visit Bhutan next year given his interest in Gross National Happiness. The GPI was founded by Australian technology entrepreneur and philanthropist, Steve Killelea. According to Dasho, some aspects of the GPI methodology are similar to GNH but factors taken into account are vastly different.

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