Bhutan – India delegations to meet for hydropower talks

Bhutan’s fast flowing rivers make it possible to tap energy for domestic consumption as well as for export to neighboring countries. Hydropower generates the maximum revenue for Bhutan’s economy beside the booming tourism industry.

The Indian government provides Bhutan the support for construction and development of various upcoming hydro-projects in the country.

A delegation from the government of India led by K.N Shrivastava Additional Secretary (FA) Ministry of External Affairs will be attending  the Authority Meetings of the Punatsangchhu-I hydroelectric project, Punatsangchhu-II Hydroelectric project, Mangdechhu Hydroelectric Project soon.

While in the capital the Additional Secretary will also meet with the Empowered Joint Group (EJG) for the accelerated development of a minimum of 10,000 MW hydropower generation by 2020.

The other upcoming hydroelectric projects are the Kurichhu project in Mongar and Sunkosh project in Dagana among others.

Though Bhutan has the installed capacity to generate 1,490 MW, it is estimated to have potential of 30,000 MW hydropower generation.

A Memorandum of Understanding stating Bhutan will export 5,000 MW electricity to India by 2020 is also in place. An agreement was signed in 2006 to promote and facilitate the development of hydropower projects in Bhutan.

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