The Bjas or the black tents with a hundred pegs are used by the Bjobs, a semi-nomadic tribe who live in the higher mountains of Bhutan. They rear yaks and making a living off yak products.
People in the highlands have their own culture and dress as is evident from this photograph.
A mask dance underway at the Gasa Tshechu. Mask dances have their own significance in Bhutanese culture and are a major tourist draw.
Archery is Bhutan’s National sport. On any given holiday, in any given town or village in Bhutan, you will find an archery match in progress.
For novice monks in Bhutanese monasteries, football is by far the most popular sport.
Bhutan is the only country in the world that follows the tantric form of Buddhism.
School Children line up for their midday meal.
Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay takes a picture of a farmer during his country tour.
A Bjob woman churns butter inside her Bja (tent) in the higher mountains of Bhutan.
A young monk turns to the camera on the streets of Thimphu.