First King and His Men in Colour

Deo Narayan, an entrepreneur has come up with a coloured version of the first King, Gongsar Ugyen Wangchuck’s photograph with a few members of his court and personal guard, which was taken by John Claude White, outside Trongsa Dzong, in 1905. It took him intricate effort and three years to produce the work. Sometimes he had to stay up late at night working on the project. Deo Kumar sought help from historians like Dasho Bato Kap, Dasho Shingkhar Lam and Dasho Karma Ura to remake the photograph into the present coloured version. He also referred to volumes of books from Centre for Bhutan Studies, and The Raven Crown, among others. His aim was to find out the exact colour of the clothing, the First Druk Gyalpo and other people in the photograph were wearing. He said the reason why he worked so hard was for posterity’s sake. The future generations would certainly like to know what colour of clothing their first Druk Gyalpo had worn in the picture.

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