The last yak sacrifice for Haa’s Ap Chundu

This year (2013) is probably the last time that Ap Chundu, Haa’s local guardian deity has been appeased by sacrificing a yak. In Bonchoe (a type of Bonism), animal sacrifice is required to appease the deities but this time, after consulting with the dzongkhag and gewog staff, and the family who carried out the tradition for years, the authorities decided to seek Ap Chundu’s permission to stop killing yaks to appease him. So they rolled the dice and according to the astrologer, got his affirmation. Now, the killing of yaks will stop but the Haa Dzongda said the Je Khenpo still needs to be consulted on the matter. The sacrificed yak’s meat used to be prepared and offered to the gathering but many people remain either ambivalent or uncomfortable with the practice. Many Haaps have been bringing their own lunch boxes just to avoid eating meat of an animal that stood alive before them just minutes ago. However, meat will still be bought and served to the people.

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