Roads to connect the remote highlands of Bhutan

Inhospitable geographic conditions is the main challenge Bhutan faces in delivering the basic facilities to rural villages. The mountainous terrain makes it risky and expensive for transportation and delivery. The nearest road point still lies hours or even days away from the village. Therefore, the government is struggling to connect all the rural villages with roads since all developmental activities come with it.

The villages of Soe, Naro, Lingshi, merak and Sakteng are the few that would be connected immediately. These villages are hamlets located high up in the mountains that are often demanded by the tourists to be included in their itinerary.

Tourists love to visit these places because it has the essence of true Bhutanese culture preserved. One can witness the simple life and their means of livelihood, mainly the yaks and dairy products. It would amaze not just the tourist but even a Bhutanese borne and brought-up in other parts of Bhutan with their peculiar custom and tradition.

With roads connecting these villages, the visitors won’t have to hike uphill for days making them nauseous and tired. They will be able to reach fast without exhaustion earning them enough time for sightseeing, bird-watching, and any other activities they would love to do.

Though the villagers say, their means of earning extra income through porter-pony will be gone some said that with development, the virginity of these villages will be lost and it would no more be a place worth visiting or attract tourist. Even the gups or headmen of these villages had mixed feeling. Tourism is one of the sectors contributing maximum revenue to Bhutan’s exchequer.

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