Traditional Bhutanese Sports

  1. Archery: Bhutan’s national sport, it is played year-round. The bows and arrows are made of a special species of bamboo and each match has women cheering for their team and jeering the adversary.
  2. Dego: It involves throwing a stone of a certain weight to get it as close as possible to a stick driven into the ground. A competitor can also dislodge his opponent’s stone. Usually played by monks.
  3. Pundo: Game played by laymen which consists of throwing a stone over one kilo as far as possible.
  4. Khuru : Game of darts played with the target about 20m away.
  5. Soksom: Throwing a javelin some 20m away.
  6. Keyshey and Sherey parey: Wrestling and tussle.


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