

The three days tamzhing phala festivals in Bumthang ended on 26th of september in Bumthnag which draws hundreds of crowds every year beecause of the various blessings from the prominent lamas The phakpa Wang(pakpa meaning the animal hide and wang meaning blessings) is one sock of blessing stuffed cylinderical worn out animal hide which resembles...
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The Prime Minister of Bhutan Lyonchhen Jigmi Y Thinley met with 82 Japanese monks, who arrived in the country on 21 August, to convey the appreciation of the Japanese people to the people of Bhutan for the good wishes and compassion towards the people of Japan when multiple disasters hit their country in the Spring...
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Thangkhas and statues are important artifacts of any monastery around which many mysteries lie veiled. These artifacts can date back to centuries ago when myth and mysticism were common as any unwarranted stories today. The origins of some of these artifacts were never discovered. They existed from time immemorial, while others were gifts from great...
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The Bhutan Nuns’ Foundation held a conference for the first time in Bhutan focusing on social issues and challenges among the nuns in the country and to improve their living conditions. It is a Non-Profit Organization established in 2009 under the patronage of Her Majesty, the Queen Mother Ashi Tshering Yangdon Wangchuk. The Drathshang Lhentshog...
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