

Paro is undoubtedly one among the most developed dzongkhags in the country. Situated in perhaps the widest valley in the kingdom, it is covered in fertile rice fields, and the charming town itself lies on the banks of the Paro Chhu meandering down the picturesque region. The main town street – built and paved only...
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Before reaching Chhuzom, after crossing Isuna village, Tachog Lhakhang also known as Tachogang becomes visible. It is is located on the base of a mountain along the Paro-Thimphu highway. To visit the temple one has to cross the Pachhu (Paro river) using a bridge built with iron chains. The temple houses some unique statues. Tachogang...
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Just a short drive from Paro lies one of Bhutan’s oldest lhakhangs (temple), Kyichu. The temple is believed to have been built by King Songtsen Gampo of Tibet to pin the left foot of a giant demoness who was thwarting the establishment of Buddhism in Tibet and the Himalayas. Kyichu is one of the 108...
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Eighteen kilometres from the town stands the burnt ruins of Drugyel Dzong.  The dzong was built in 1649 by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal to control the route to Tibet. It is said that the dzong had a false entrance which was deliberately designed to lure invaders into an enclosed courtyard. Drugyel dzong meaning ‘victorious fortress’ was...
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Towards the north of Paro town, clinging from a cliff 3,000 feet high, stands Taktsang – the most famous monastery in Bhutan.  Taktsang literally means “Tiger’s nest.” Legend has it that in the early eighth century Guru Padma Sambhava flew from Tibet on a back of a tigress to the place where the monastery stands...
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The Sanskrit meaning of Kila is subjugating spiritual dagger that destroys the negativities. A hike uphill will take you to a magnificent cluster of temples on the cliffs, a home for the nuns. Some refer to the group of seven temples built on a cliff at a height of 3,500 meters as tree houses. It houses...
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Constructed by the great iron bridge builder Thangtong Gyelpo in 1421, it is believed to have been built on the head of the demoness who was causing illness to the inhabitants, to subdue her. The lhakang contains a good collection of Buddhist paintings and iconography. It was restored by the 25th Head Abbot of Bhutan...
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Staying in a Bhutanese farm house is altogether a different experience. It is an opportunity to get a firsthand experience of typical village life in Bhutan. Except for some modifications done to farm houses’ hygiene and sanitation facilities, the rest remains the same. Farm houses are mostly colorful traditional Bhutanese houses built with mud and stones...
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Ta-Dzong, the first National Museum located above the Rinpung Dzong, on top of a hill, attracts a good number of tourists as well as locals. It is defined as a “must-visit” by most who have visited it. This is the best place to learn about the Bhutanese culture. Five hundred feet away from Rinpung Dzong,...
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From the airport towards Paro town there is a traditional wooden bridge, some two kilometres away, called Nyamai Zam, leading towards a huge fortress (dzong) built with stones. It is white washed and is known by the name of Rinpung Dzong. The fortress was built in 1646 AD by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal. Earlier it was...
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