

Chele La Pass at over 13,000 ft to the west above the Paro Valley is the highest road pass in the country and has amazing views of the Himalaya especially that of Mt. Jhomolari, Bhutan’s most sacred peak at over 22,000 feet. Chele La Pass is a one and a half hour drive from the...
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The Sangchhen Dorji Lhuendrup Lhakhang is a temple plus nunnery perched on a ridge overlooking Toebesa, Punakha and Wangduephodrang valleys. The lhakhang comprises a double storied temple, a chorten resembling Nepal’s boudhanath stupa and a nunnery complex. Sangchhen Dorji Lhuendrup Lhakhang The lhakhang was consecrated by His Holiness the Je Khenpo and the event was...
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The hot springs of Gasa in Western Bhutan are known for their medicinal and healing properties. Situated close to the banks of the Mo Chu, this is one of the most popular springs in the country and are frequented not only by tourists but by local people as well. It takes approximately 40 minutes from...
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Gasa Dzong or Gasa Tashi Tongmön Dzong is the administrative center of Gasa Dzongkhag (district) in the northwestern region of Bhutan. It was constructed to act as a frontier against attacks from the north. Gasa Dzong was damaged by fire in 2008.
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The Phobjikha valley is a serene, beautiful and plain easy route to bike. If it’s winter, you get to glimpse the Black-necked cranes who some to roost on the meadows from the Tibetan Plateau.
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Lhakhang Karpo can be distinguished by its white walls while Lhakhang Nagpo has grayish-black walls. The former was established in the 7th century by Tibetan king Songtsen Gempo in his mission to build 108 monasteries in one day. He built Lhakhang Karpo and Lhakhang Nagpo in the Haa Valley. According to a legend, a black...
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Zangto Pelri (Phuentsholing) It is a small temple built in the center of Phuentsholing town and represents Guru Rinpoche’s paradise. This is the place where everybody from youths, elderly people and Indians from the neighbouring town of Jaigoan gather to spend leisure time.
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The goenpa is a beautiful structure surrounded by a garden of tropical plants and flowers at an altitude of 400m. The monastery houses paintings depicting scenes from the life of the Buddha and statues of Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel.
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Twenty four km from Trashigang, the Gom Kora temple is set on a small alluvial plain overlooking the river. Surrounded by rice fields and clumps of banana trees, it looks like an oasis in an arid landscape. It is one of the famous places where Guru Rinpoche meditated in order to subdue a demon that...
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The centenary farmers’ market was inaugurated to celebrate the monarchy’s centenary reign. It is a good place to visit to see the wide range of Bhutanese goods and vegetable market. It is open from Friday afternoon to Sunday.
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