

Chorten Kora: This dazzling white stupa situated on the riverbank is built in the same style as the Bodnath Stupa in Nepal, with eyes painted at the four cardinal points. During the second month of the lunar calendar there is an interesting celebration here, known as ‘Kora’.
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Trashigang Dzong: Built in 1659, the dzong serves as the administrative seat for the district as well as the home of the monk body. The dzong commands a remarkable view over the surrounding countryside. This dzong is unusual because both the administrative and monastic bodies face a single courtyard.
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It was the first palace in Bhutan that was not designed as a fortress but as the principal residence of the first king of Bhutan, King Ugyen Wangchuck. The entire court used to move from Wangdichholing to Kuenga Rabten in winter. Later on, it was inherited by Ashi Choeki Wangchuck, an aunt of the fourth...
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About 2.5 km from the main road, beyond Jampey Lhakhang is the Kurjey Lhakhang. There are three lhakhangs inside the complex – the Guru lhakhang with the image of a garuda and snow lion locked in a struggle representing the Guru (snow lion) subduing a local demon. The second lhakhang is Sangay Lhakhang – a...
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The 23-km ride from Trongsa south takes you to Kuenga Rabten. It takes about an hour and passes through rice meadows and several waterfalls. Farming is well developed in the area. Kuenga Rabten was the winter residence of the second king but now it is looked after by the National Commission for Cultural Affairs so...
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Designed after Kathmandu’s Bodnath stupa with eyes painted at the four cardinal points, it lies en route to Trongsa.
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The Royal Manas National Park is the fourth largest national park in Bhutan and covers the three districts of Sarpang, Zhemgang and Pemagatsel. The park area begins from the plains of Manas River in the Bhramaputra basin.  It is the one of the largest tropical and sub-tropical ecosystems in Bhutan. It has hundreds of wildlife,...
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Mebartsho or Burning Lake is a five-minute walk from a bend in the road leading to the Tang chhu.  Terton Pema Lingpa discovered many of Guru’s termas (treasures) here. A wooden bridge crosses the gorge and offers a good view of the lake. Legend has it that only the enlightened will be able to see...
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It is said to be a replica of Guru Rinpoche’s celestial abode and was built in the 1990s by the Late Dasho Aku Tongmi, who composed the national anthem.
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The preserve houses the Takin, a unique, endangered species found only in Bhutan, Nepal, China and Burma. Bhutan has chosen it as the national animal due to its significance in the country’s religious and cultural history.
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