

It was the first palace in Bhutan that was not designed as a fortress but as the principal residence of the first king of Bhutan, King Ugyen Wangchuck. The entire court used to move from Wangdichholing to Kuenga Rabten in winter. Later on, it was inherited by Ashi Choeki Wangchuck, an aunt of the fourth...
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About 2.5 km from the main road, beyond Jampey Lhakhang is the Kurjey Lhakhang. There are three lhakhangs inside the complex – the Guru lhakhang with the image of a garuda and snow lion locked in a struggle representing the Guru (snow lion) subduing a local demon. The second lhakhang is Sangay Lhakhang – a...
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Mebartsho or Burning Lake is a five-minute walk from a bend in the road leading to the Tang chhu.  Terton Pema Lingpa discovered many of Guru’s termas (treasures) here. A wooden bridge crosses the gorge and offers a good view of the lake. Legend has it that only the enlightened will be able to see...
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Legend has it that when the lamas assembled in 1549 to decide the site of a monastery, a white bird rose suddenly in the air and settled on a hill spur. Taking this to be a good omen, the monastery was built which was later upgraded to the dzong in 1646 after the Zhabdrung had...
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